"This is a story of boy meets girl,
but you should know upfront, this is NOT a love story"
but you should know upfront, this is NOT a love story"
i wouldnt talk about both Joseph Gordon Levitt or Zooey Deschanel, even i do adore 'em. really.
n i wouldnt talk about the movie. well yess, it's the one of my favorites :)
hmm actually the one of the soundtrack of this movie
by Carla Bruni, Quelqu'un M'a Dit (Someone Told Me)has played like about tens times in my room. no reason. It's just like my playlist stuck on that French Song.
yeah its so ear-catchy. even It's not easy to sing a French song. at least I can sing the refrain. a bit, LOL.
que tu m'aimais encore
c'est quelqu'un qui m'a dit que tu m'aimais encore
serait-ce possible alors?
I dont know when I started listen to French Song. another example, the Song from Feist that also the soundtrack of Paris, Je T'aime, yep, La Meme Histoire. even it's not all written in French.
well, even I cant catch what exactly the meaning of the song w/o lookin
and searchin' for the english version.
but, trust me. French song is really ear-catchy
n i wouldnt talk about the movie. well yess, it's the one of my favorites :)
hmm actually the one of the soundtrack of this movie
by Carla Bruni, Quelqu'un M'a Dit (Someone Told Me)has played like about tens times in my room. no reason. It's just like my playlist stuck on that French Song.
yeah its so ear-catchy. even It's not easy to sing a French song. at least I can sing the refrain. a bit, LOL.
que tu m'aimais encore
c'est quelqu'un qui m'a dit que tu m'aimais encore
serait-ce possible alors?
I dont know when I started listen to French Song. another example, the Song from Feist that also the soundtrack of Paris, Je T'aime, yep, La Meme Histoire. even it's not all written in French.
on vit au jour le jour
nos envies, nos amours,
on s'en va sans savoir
on est toujours
dans la meme histoire
(we live day by day
our desires, our loves
it goes w/o knowing
its always in the same story)
nos envies, nos amours,
on s'en va sans savoir
on est toujours
dans la meme histoire
(we live day by day
our desires, our loves
it goes w/o knowing
its always in the same story)
well, even I cant catch what exactly the meaning of the song w/o lookin
and searchin' for the english version.
but, trust me. French song is really ear-catchy